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Being like Jesus
Prayer and Godliness
- Praying With Your Eyes Open | Richard Pratt
- A Praying Life | Paul E Miller (Alternate)
- The Cross And Christian Ministry | Don Carson (Alternate)
- A Call To Spiritual Reformation | Don Carson
- The Pursuit Of Holiness | Jerry Bridges (Alternate)
- Compared to Her | Sophie de Witt (Recommended for female trainees)
Thinking like Jesus
Bible Study
- According To Plan | Gareme Goldsworthy
- Postcard From Palestine | Andrew Reid
- Interpreting God’s Plan | RJ Gibson (Alternate)
Thinking Theologically
- The Blueprint | Philip Jensen & Tony Payne
- Know The Truth | Bruce Milne (Alternate)
- The Everlasting God | Broughton Knox
- Westminster Confession Of Faith (Alternate)
Relationships in Ministry
- Zeal Without Burnout | Christopher Ash
- Cross Talk | Michale R. Emlet
- Going The Distance | Peter Brain
- The Contemplative Pastor | Eugene Peterson (Alternate)
Serving like Jesus
Evangelism & World Mission
- Marks of the Messenger | J Mack Styles
- The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission | John Dickson (Alternate)
- Hospitality Evangelism | Kel Willis (Alternate)
- Know And Tell The Gospel | John Chapman
- The Welcoming Church | Peter Corney (Alternate)
Teaching the Bible
- One-To-One Bible Reading | David Helm
- Setting Hearts On Fire | John Chapman
- Growth Groups | Col Marshal
- Leading Better Bible Studies | Rod & Karen Morris (Alternate)
- Biblical Preaching | Haddon Robinson
- Word Filled Women’s Ministry | Gloria Furman & Kathleen Nielson (Optional alternate for female trainees)
Training others in Ministry
- The Trellis And The Vine | Col Marshal
- Passing The Baton | Col Marshal
- Intentional Discipleship | Ron Bennett (Alternate)
- Mission Minded | Peter Bolt
- God’s Good Design | Claire Smith
- Embers To A Flame | Harry Reeder (Optional for potential candidates)